Tele Radio City s.c.s. promotes a variety of activities in the field of social projects (more info here), and collaborates on a continuous basis with associations for the promotion of volunteerism, of active citizenship, of sport and of international cooperation.

Below you can find a detailed description of the associations:

Melting Pot ODV

Melting Pot ODV was created in 2016 by the will of the editorial staff of The main goal was to have a formal instrument aimed at the realization of social projects and campaigns against discrimination and racism, for the promotion of social inclusion and of active solidarity. Beneficiaries of international protection and asylum seekers are not only members of the association, but also directly involved in the projects. Melting Pot also promotes communication projects that range from multimedia informative contents production to the creation of practical instruments for those who work in the field of migration. More, our association participates in the organization of training events about immigration and asylum law and policy. Among the last projects we launched there are: “Radio Melting Pot”, a radio-workshop for the promotion of citizenship rights; and the “Survival guide for the unaccompanied foreign minor (and for his tutor)” (“Manuale di sopravvivenza per il minore straniero non accompagnato (e per il suo tutore)”). During Sherwood Festival, Melting Pot ODV collaborates with “Welcome to Sherwood”, a project aimed at helping social inclusion and professional training of about 60 persons requesting international protection: they are people who live in Padua and that got in touch with Melting Pot thanks to the many projects activated.

Open Your Borders ODV

Open your Borders ODV is based in Padua and has two main focuses: one concerns the help all those people who are at risk of discrimination, while the other ones concerns the promotion of initiatives of solidarity both at national and international level. OYB has created a free school of Italian language, “LiberaLaParola”, where the methodology applied overcomes the basic didactic aspects: students can participate not only to regular lessons, but also to different types of initiatives, like social or sporting events, in order to help and improve their integration in the community. Moreover, in September 2020 was created a permanent music workshop. An other service proposed by OYB is “Help Desk”, where is given an orientation to local services and where people requesting international protection can find an help for the presentation of their request for protection. OYB is also partner of “Fare Rete”, a network of Italian language schools for foreigners promoted by CPIA of Padua. Finally, the association is a recognized subject for the participation of youngsters in the universal civil service, and students of Padua University and of Ca’ Foscari – University of Venice can carry out their curricular internship with OYB.

Officina Sociale APS

Officina Sociale APS aims at improving and strengthening social links in Padua. The two main projects are “Mani in pasta” and “La banchetta al Portello”, a mobile stall that re-distributes fruits and vegetables plucked from unsold products of large scale distribution supermarkets or of Mercato AgroAlimentare in Padua to people in need in the Portello area. During the first lockdown in Italy, from March to May 2020, Officina Sociale have taken part to the project “Per Padova noi ci siamo” (“We are here for Padua”) with the homeless shelter “Casa Arcella”, with the stockage of basic foodstuffs donated by people and with the redistribution and home delivery of this food to people in need, thanks to a service called “Spese sospese”. “Act against Covid19. Let’s strengthen our community system” was our motto and, indeed, caring for our community is still our main goal.

Sherwood Open Live APS

Created in 2007, Sherwood Open Live APS aims at promoting every type of artistic expression organizing social, cultural, musical and informative events, meetings, interviews and presentation of books. Since many years Sherwood Open Live organizes in its place, in Padua, acoustic concerts of local bands and of artists known at national level. Moreover, it recently started to collaborate with some agencies for the promotion of international artists and bands in Italy. Sherwood Open Live also participated to the call “La Città delle Idee 2020/2021” promoted by the city of Padua, submitting a project for the organization of a festival of indipendent publishers, called “Libri a KM0: festival dell’editoria di fuori porta di Sherbooks”. Through the activation of projects based on the typical and distinctive characteristics of Sherwood, like inclusion, sociality and sharing against any form of discrimination and exclusion, Sherwood Open Live strives to be a fundamental actor for the promotion of alternative projects in the city of Padua.

ASD Palestra Popolare Galeano

ASD Palestra Popolare Galeano was born in 2014, in the district of Portello, in Padua. Its headquarter, that was previously occupied by the association “RazzismoStop”, is a self-managed space based on the values of antifascism, antiracism and antisexism, and that struggles everyday against every form of discrimination. According to the vision of Palestra Popolare Galeano, sport is a right that must be guarantee to everybody. Indeed, in today’s society playing a sport is more and more difficult, due to the prohibitive costs and to the poor conditions of sports facilities in many cities. Moreover, being victims of discrimination based on their geographical origin or on their sexual orientation, a lot of athletes are not able to freely practice their sport. It is generally known that sport must be considered not only as a good practice for the health, but also as a powerful tool of fun and of community building. From all these reasons derives the need to struggle for guaranteeing everybody the right to sport. Currently, Palestra Popolare Galeano is affiliated to UISP, and offers classes of Muay Thai, Boxe, Yoga and Olit.

Associazione Ya Basta! Êdî Bese!

Ya Basta! Êdî Bese! association was founded in 1996 as a result of the experience of resistance and autonomy of indigenous Maya people in Latin America, specifically in Chiapas, Mexico. The first nucleus was born in Veneto and then grew in other areas of Italy, creating a support network for these realities. The main intent is to walk alongside the indigenous populations in resistance and to support them through international cooperation projects, the promotion of cultural insights and the drafting of informative articles. In 2020, the realities of north-eastern Italy came together under the name “Ya Basta! Êdî Bese!”. We promote non profit activities of general interest in the pursuit of civic, solidarity and socially useful purposes. Namely, in the field of international solidarity in support of the populations of the countries in the South of the World, with particular attention to the preservation of common goods and the right to self-determination of people and the full exercise of fundamental rights. We organise cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest; cooperation for development; we promote and protect human, civil, social and political rights. Our intervention has been focused mainly in the rural areas of Chiapas in support of local communities with the following projects: Lluvia es vida – integrated system for the use of rainwater and environmental protection; Salud y Agua; Productivo de Ganado, El Estadio del Bae. We also supported other communities: in Bolivia with Huertos Escolares para la Vida y la Alegria, in the Argentine Patagonia with Casa Comun, Radio comunitaria and Tierra Nuestra we supported Mapuche communities, in Palestine with the psycho-social support project Gaza is Alive 2019, in Kurdistan with Rojava Playground.

Associazione Ya Basta! Perugia

Ya Basta! Perugia was created in 2011. Main goal of this association is the creation in Perugia of a space of discussion and of organization about different subjects, like common goods, new rights, new ways of sharing and of international cooperation. Ya Basta! Perugia wants to actively participate to the processes of changement in the city, developing projects for a type of cooperation that ranges from the local to the international level. Territories – district, city, world – are the arena where people can experiment and design new models of social and environmental relations, aiming at the creation of a society based on the values of democracy, redistribution of wealth and the protection of common goods. Ya Basta! Perugia applies an inclusive and collaborative way of working, from conception to realization of a project. This model has helped the association to crate real changements, and to build a network with people who share the same needs, goals and practices.

Ambasciata dei Diritti Marche

Ambasciata dei Diritti Marche was founded in 2006 with the aim of promoting all rights of citizenship, because freedom and democracy can not exist if fundamental rights are not guaranteed to everybody. Indeed, the right to health, to a house, to a job, to an income, to the free circulation are all rights too often violated by all institutions. Ambasciata dei Diritti Marche wants to be a different institution, where all the non-recognized people who live in our cities can make their voice heard and their rights guaranteed, and where it is possible to build new pathways for the construction and recognition of new rights.

Associazione Xena

Xena is a non-profit cultural association founded in 1995. It promotes local and international initiatives to develop personal and social growth, intercultural learning and active participation in society. It combines twenty five years of experience with constant updating that aims at innovation in its areas of interest. It has always achieved significant results in creation and implementation in its main fields: transnational internships (VET), training of citizens and operators, non-formal education of young people and adults, especially in projects in the frame of the European Program Erasmus +, starting with the European Voluntary Service. It is characterized and recognized for the work on international mobility, both abroad as reception in Italy, also in order to make it more accessible to different targets through information, guidance and planning. In the field of guidance it was for about ten years a training body accredited by the Veneto region and a point of the Eurodesk network. Since 2010 it is a local chair point of the Euroguidance network. In the local field Xena is very active. In addition to joining projects promoted by other organizations it promotes and coordinates innovative pathways to catalyse social-cultural processes, both by networking different subjects and by involving citizens in initiatives that include intercultural dialogue and development of alternative economies.